And most of the people in the world with CORONAVIRUS seek treatment. and love for their health. Along with CORONA VIRUS we have to fight fear and despair.

The media and politicians and all the wise and conscious countries should keep in mind that this is not the end of the world. So far the deaths due to this deadly disease, and the helplessness in front of it and the failure to progress so far is proof of this God is angry with all of us and wants to please him.


Until now no developed country has given this good news to its helpless people, and the whole world that they have been able to make the CORONAVIRUS vaccine. This is a challenge and one of the most unlikely to overcome.

Every night is a hard day for the painters to bring color, and the salvation of this CORONAVIRUS. is to come out publicly In the developing world the mortality rate is so high. Where did the intellect go yesterday to accept this?

Development and experiences that could not secure the lives of those living in their own country. If they look at developed countries. The United States, as a superpower itself, has long been regarded as a symbol of fear.

Aging has become the largest virus market. and most of the people in the world with 

CORONAVIRUS seek treatment and love for their health.
And humans are running away from each other. It is followed by Italy, where the number of 
casualties so far is at number one in the.

World Western countries are heavily trapped in the CORONAVIRUS and there is a way to get rid of it, not that they themselves do not know and with it Muslim countries. could not survive the disaster If we were talking about Saudi Arabia. its spirit of love and affection for the Muslim world would not be less than a shock.

When the Muslims of the Muslim world were also prevented from reaching Umrah , and now it is difficult to find the pilgrimage of the great and holy Islamic member of the Muslims.
In this difficult time all the world Islam and all the countries of the world have to unite and cooperate to fight this coronavirus. The win in this one will be the common win of not.

Lock down, curfew

Everyone Lock down, curfew, and without knowing which resort to use. The deaths could not be controlled However, the CORONAVIRUS should not affect your nerves and senses.
Do not let it become a living corpse city. This is not the first disaster that has ever happened to human beings. even before they have been known to face many disasters and catastrophic conditions.

But the disaster ended and the man won. After defeating this CORONAVIRUS, we will once again return to our normal lives. We must believe this and that hope needs to be kept alive.
This time of trial should inspire even more of us. The nations of this world have dealt with great tragedies and events boldly and outrageously Earthquakes are terrorist events, devastation of the tsunami After facing all the disasters,

he presented himself to the world of a great nation and country. We all pray that the CORONAVIRUS will be rid of this stubborn disease.
And promote coincidence and love in the world. And in such a catastrophic disaster, the nation and the courage to fight together remain determined.


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